Corrigenda Re: [Annelida] Kirtley's 1994 publication on Sabellariidae

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Sun Dec 6 15:13:08 EST 2009

Dear all,

I'd forgotten all about it but here is a repeat of the Corrigenda by David Kirtley (deceased) that was in 
the 1995 e-mail newsletter circulated by yrs truly, should anyone wish to print it and insert in the book.



  From David Kirtley &ltdwkirtley from igc.apc.org>

  Kirtley, D.W., 1994, A review and taxonomic revision of
        the family Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (Annelida;
        Polychaeta).  Sabecon Press, Science Series Number 1,
        223 pages. CORRIGENDA.
  pp. 2 and 31.  Subsequent to the publication of this edition, Dr. Mary E.
  Petersen, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, went through the
  collections there and found three of the original six specimens listed in
  an unpublished catalogue by Kroeyer of worms transferred to the
  Zoological Museum from the Royal Museum (ZMUC Archives A92, p. 38). The
  specimens are labelled "R.[ Roerglas, vial] Serpula caudata Kr., meget
  smukt, Vestindien [very beautiful, West Indies], 14/1-56 [14 January
  1856, journal date]."  The catalogue entry gives the date of collection
  as 18/9-45 [18 September, 1845]. The name of the collector is not given.
  Dr. Petersen writes that: "Dr. Torben Wolf, ZMUC, pointed out that
  Kroeyer was first in the West Indies in 1853 and thus could not have
  collected the material in 1845, but that Oersted may have collected it."

  The name "Serpula caudata Kr." exists only in the hand-written Kroeyer's
  catalog and on the specimen labels. There is no record that Kroeyer ever
  formally published this name; therefore, it has no nomenclatural status
  (ICZN, 1985:13-17, Articles 8 & 9). Moerch, 1863:96, indicated that
  Kroeyer was the original author of the species by including his name
  after the binomen _Phragmatopoma caudata_. Dr. Petersen suggests, and I
  concur, that the appropriate name for this species should be written as:
  _Phragmatopoma caudata_ Kroeyer in Moerch, 1863.

  p. 74.  The name _Sabellaria spinulosa_ Leuckart, 1849, has been used by
  numerous authors for what are now considered to be a number of apparently
  unrelated forms. Along with a list of "varieties," the species has been
  considered as an example of the "cosmopolitan" distribution of
  sabellariid species. Johansson (1927:93), included Iceland (Island) in
  the list of localities in the distribution of this species. Hartman
  (1959:476), lists the type locality as Iceland and that error is repeated
  under Remarks: p. 76. Dr. Petersen also called my attention to the fact
  that Leuckart (1849), in a paper entitled "Zur Kenntnis der Fauna von
  Island" included a discussion, unrelated to any sabellariid material
  collected from Iceland, of a sabellariid species collected from the North
  Sea near Helgoland which Frey and Leuckart previously (1847:15) had
  thought might be _Amphitrite ostrearia_ Cuvier and they transferred this
  species to _Hermella ostrearia_ (Cuvier). Grube (1848: 38) proposed the
  name _Sabellaria longispina_ for a species collected from the
  Mediterranean (Mittelmeer, perhaps Trieste) by Otto which Grube
  considered identical with Frey and Leuckart's _H. ostrearia_ (Cuvier).
  Leuckhart (1849:178-179, footnote 3) proposed a new name, _Hermella
  spinulosa_, for the species from Helgoland. This species name is listed
  in the Material examined on p. 75, (ZMB Q-2253); Nordsee and Trieste); as
  is _Sabellaria ostrearia_ (Cuv.) (ZMB Q-4866); Helgoland). The
  Mediterranean and North Sea forms should be re-examined and compared to
  determine whether or not they belong in the same, or a different group.

  p. 185.  In the original description of the genus _Bathysabellaria_
  Lechapt and Gruet, 1993:243, the presence of an unpaired median organ at
  the anterior end of the ventral midline of the prostomium was not noted.
  Subsequent studies of an additional new species in this genus (Lechapt
  and Kirtley, in preparation) reveal the presence of this feature and a
  re-examination of examples of _B. neocaledoniensis_ Lechapt and Gruet,
  1993, confirm the presence of this organ. In all other known genera of
  Sabellariidae the median organ, if present, is located at, or near, the
  anterior dorsal midline; between the opercular peduncles (lobes, stalks).
  [-- CORRIGENDA ends]

  Dr Kirtley comments: Since I had been assured that the type material of
  _Phragmatopoma caudata_ Kroeyer, a major reef-building species on the
  western Atlantic coast in the W. hemisphere - had been lost, and since I
  believe the name should be conserved - I am pleased that the types are
  found and future workers could refer to something better than the
  illustrations published by Moerch.

  The name "S. spinulosa" has been spread around the globe by polychaete
  taxonomists like jelly on bread, as solid proof of the existence of
  "cosmopolitan" species. I am also pleased to find out why no one in
  Iceland ever answered my inquiries about local sabellariid specimens.

  The presence of a ventral median organ may only be of interest to those
  who may wonder what the animals use them for anyway, but I think the
  structure and position of this organ might be found to be useful
  information in analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among various
  taxa in Sabellariidae.


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