[Annelida] circum-Antarctic polychaete workshop

Brigitte Ebbe via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Brigitte.Ebbe from senckenberg.de)
Tue Dec 8 05:30:25 EST 2009

Dear Annelidians,

please read the following announcement if you work on material from the
Southern Ocean!

SOAP (Southern Ocean Annelid Project)

Workshop on circum-Antarctic Polychaetes

A one-week workshop dealing with circum-Antarctic polychaetes will be
held from 8 to 12 March 2010 at the Swope Center, Marine Biological
Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA. The goal is to compare material from
selected families from the Weddell Sea and Ross Sea to determine whether
polychaetes have circumpolar distributions or are endemic to one of the
two areas. Additionally, younger scientists are invited to expand their
knowledge and to seek help from experienced taxonomists. There will be
four or five invited speakers and a maximum of ten other participants.
The speakers that agreed to participate so far are: Adrian Glover
(spionids), Stacy Doner (cirratulids), Jim Blake (several smaller
families), Ruth Barnich (scale worms) and, hopefully, Maria Cristina
Gambi (sabellids).

The workshop will be rather structured to ensure tangible outcomes as
requested by the funding projects. Any data from the workshop will be
submitted to SCAR/MarBIN. Photos, sketches and preliminary descriptions
of new species will be submitted to polychaetes.info which is a
repository for working species among other things.

Paticipants will be selected by the organising committee, consisting of
me, Maria Cristina Gambi, Myriam Schüller, and Kerstin Kroeger. Please
submit a short message to the email address below, stating your
affiliation, area of taxonomic interest/expertise and any material that
you might be able to bring along. Your message should reach me no later
than 31 December.

Funding of this workshop is by the Census of Marine Life projects CAML
and CeDAMar and by ENSR in Woods Hole. I will also try to raise some
additional funds from the German Science Foundation so everybody can
participate with all expenses paid. I am looking forward to your

Worm regards
Brigitte for the SOAP team

Brigitte Ebbe
Senckenberg am Meer
Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung/German Centre for
Marine Biodiversity Research
c/o Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig
Adenauerallee 160
D53113 Bonn
Tel. +49.228.9122-285
bebbe from senckenberg.de

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