[Annelida] 10th Polychaete Conference, reminder for abstract submission

Maria Cristina Gambi via annelida%40net.bio.net (by gambimc from szn.it)
Tue Dec 8 09:43:20 EST 2009

Dears annelidians, colleagues and worm's friends,
with this message we would like to remind to all of you that the
deadline for abstract submission for communication and/or poster
presentations for the 10th Polychaete Conference (20-26 June 2010,
Lecce, Italy) is the next 31st of December. The template for abstract
preparation and the annex form are both available at  the  Conference site 
at www.polychaeta.it;
you can print or download them, but first you have shortly to register
to the system, unless you have already pre-registered.
For any query, please do not exitate to contact one of us.
We also wish to inform you that up to date more than 150 colleagues
have pre-registered and most have send tentative titles or abstract (a few) 
their contributions. So we expect to receive shortly most of the others
abstract's contributions.
We also would like to inform that at the beginning of January we will
send a third announcement for the 10th IPC and that at that time we hope to
announce also the possibility of some fellowships available for PhD
students or young investigators to help with travel or accomodation  and fee
expences, and the requirements to appl for such grants.
We profit of this message to send to all of you our very best wishes and 
warm regards
for Christmas and the New Year
ad majora, ciao, cheers
Adriana Giangrande and Maria Cristina Gambi
(organizers of the 10th Polychaete Conference)

gruppo di Ecologia del Benthos
Laboratorio di Ecologia Funzionale ed Evolutiva
Stazione Zoologica "Anton Dohrn" di Napoli
Villa Dohrn, Punta S. Pietro
80077 Ischia (Napoli, Italy)
tel ++39 081 991410 or ++39 081 5833513
fax ++39 081 984201
e-mail:gambimc from szn.it
mariacristina.gambi from szn.it

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