[Annelida] "unusual" Spionid from Florida waters (<5m)

Scott Jones via annelida%40net.bio.net (by msjoneser from gmail.com)
Tue Dec 8 15:53:24 EST 2009


  I was hoping some on this list may be able to direct me to literature or
someone with expertise on Spionid polychaetes, particularly in the genus *

  I seem to occasionally find specimens that do not appear in Blake's
Revision of Polydora from the East Coast of North America (1971).  Most
recently, one has caught my eye:

  Very dark, distinctive pigmentation at the anterior end.

  Distinctively swollen-looking dorsum around setiger 2 that folds over
itself and overlaps setiger 1.

  Other features:  hooded hooks begin around setiger 7, appearing to have
slightly constricted shaft; the modified spines of setiger 5 are in a tight
semi-circle, with very long pennoned companion setae reaching far into the
center of semi-cirlce created by modified spines; prostomium notched, nuchal
tentacle present.

  Thanks very much in advance for having a look at this.

Scott Jones
Benthic Ecology
Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce
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