[Annelida] inking in alcyopids

mikhail matz via annelida%40net.bio.net (by matz from mail.utexas.edu)
Mon Mar 2 19:37:39 EST 2009

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for references on inking in acyopids. This remarkable  
phenomenon seems to be common knowledge among blue-water divers, but  
proves to be surprisingly difficult to trace in the literature. I am  
now writing a review about animal fluorescence, and want to see if  
anybody described what I observed - fluorescent ink in some alcyopids  
(would look pale yellow in a collection jar in daylight). If not  
that, I would tremendously appreciate references to any kind of  
defensive inking in these cute worms.



Mikhail V. Matz
University of Texas at Austin
Integrative Biology Section
1 University station C0930
Austin, TX 78712
phone 512-992-8086 cell, 512-475-6424 lab
fax 512-471-3878
web http://www.bio.utexas.edu/research/matz_lab

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