[Annelida] reprint request

Jennifer Davenport via annelida%40net.bio.net (by jdavenport from terraenv.com)
Tue Mar 3 07:55:28 EST 2009

Hello all,

I'm working on a long-term monitoring program of the benthos of the
Tampa Bay area and would greatly appreciate some help in locating a
reprint to aid in my identifications.  I have tried to request this
particular article through interlibrary loan, but was unsuccessful.  I
tried to contact the author via the email address on the article, but
that didn't work either.  Does anyone have this reprint available and
could you please email it to me?  Thanks so much for the assistance!


Nygren, A.  2004.  Revision of the Autolytinae (Syllidae: Polychaeta).
Zootaxa 680: 1-314.


Jennifer Davenport

Terra Environmental Services, Inc.

101 16th Avenue South, Suite 4

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

jdavenport from terraenv.com

Office:  (727) 565-4661

Cell:  (727) 967-8450

Fax:  (727) 565-4663


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