[Annelida] A new monograph on serpulid taxonomy

Elena Kupriyanova via annelida%40net.bio.net (by lena.kupriyanova from gmail.com)
Tue Mar 17 03:32:46 EST 2009

Dear friends and colleagues,

Harry ten Hove and I are happy to inform you all that our monograph on 
the current state of serpulid taxonomy has been  published by Zootaxa:

Hove ten, H.A., Kupriyanova, E. K. 2009. Taxonomy of Serpulidae 
(Annelida, Polychaeta): the state of affairs. /Zootaxa /2036: 1-126.**

It is an Open Access paper, so you can download it  freely from 

I also would like to use this occasion to ask you for samples of 
ethanol-preserved serpulid material. Any serpulids will be highly 
appreciated, but samples from deep-water water and hydrothermal 
locations would make me especially happy.


Dr Elena Kupriyanova
Faculty of Education and Human Sciences
Yokohama National University
Tokiwadai, Hodogaya, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan
Tel and Fax +81 45 339 3408
e-mail: lena.kupriyanova from gmail.com
elenak from ynu.ac.jp

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