[Annelida] Opportunity window to worm into Royal Society, UK journals

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Fri Mar 20 01:16:12 EST 2009

FYI, or a reminder that:

"Royal Society Publishing is pleased to announce that, as from 18 February 2009, our online journal content will be hosted on the new HighWire H2O platform, where all  articles - from 1665 to present - will be completely FREE to access until 31 March 2009."


Heh. A remarkable resource. If you search for worm titles from way back in 1665 - there _are_ actually some there ....

Observations about Shining Worms in Oysters. Phil. Trans. 1665 1:203-206.

An Extract of a Letter, Written from Holland, about Preserving of Ships from Being Worm-Eaten. Phil. Trans.  1665 1:190-191.

A Relation of a Kind of Worms, That Eat Out Stones. Phil. Trans.  1665 1:321-323.

Or from 30 years later you can see one of the first descriptions of an aphroditid, including observation of the interference colours of the chaetae, which are "... of a most delicate changeable Red and Green Colour and of so sparkling a vivid Lustre, that nothing of this kind could
shew more Beautiful."  The worm was found in a fish gut, rather than a dredge. 

Molyneux, T. (1695). Account of a Not Yet Described Scolopendra Marina. Philosophical Transactions 19(215-235): 405-412. 

Or if you prefer current times you can read about worm appendage Fibonacci patterns, about a pyritized polychaete from the Devonian, and about Osedax bone worms.  Etc.

Please share if you turn up other historical worm gems.



 Geoff Read <g.read from niwa.co.nz>
 About NIWA http://www.niwa.co.nz/about

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