[Annelida] best taxonomic tree

Stanislas DUBOIS via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Stanislas.Dubois from ifremer.fr)
Tue May 5 10:53:57 EST 2009

Hi Polychaete lovers,

I'm currently involved in a project identifying polychaetes from the 
northern Gulf of Mexico.  I would like your oppinion on the best online 
taxonomic tree as we are finding conflicting and/or differing 
information in ITIS and the ERMS (basically the european version of ITIS!).

Thanks in advance.
Stan & Carey


Stanislas DUBOIS (PhD)
Laboratoire DYNECO / Ecologie Benthique
IFREMER - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
Technopole de Brest-Iroise
B.P. 70 - 29280 Plouzané - FRANCE
Tel: (33) +2 98 22 49 18
Mob: (33) +6 83 07 70 28
Fax: (33) +2 98 22 45 48
email: sdubois from ifremer.fr

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