[Annelida] Fwd: Biodiversity Heritage Library Survey

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Mon Apr 5 23:00:43 EST 2010


>>> On 17/03/2010 at 9:17 a.m., "Francisco Welter-Schultes" <fwelter from gwdg.de>

> Dear all,
> The Biodiversity Heritage Library BHL is asking the community to 
> participate in our 2010 public survey at
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BHLsurvey 
> This survey is a key component in our efforts to improve our 
> services and to serve the community by providing digitized 
> bioscientific literature under public domain rights. The survey is a 
> joint venture of BHL and BHL-Europe.
> You can select 6 languages: English, French, German, Spanish,  
> Italian and Portuguese. 
> We (BHL-Europe team members) did the translations ourselves, so you 
> can trust them, they are reliable. 
> It would be really useful for us to get many answers, because 
> without feedback from the community it is difficult to tell the 
> programmers what exactly they should do, and how they could improve 
> our web service.
> We would be thankful if you could forward this request to other 
> bioscientists who use BHL. The survey will be open at least for 2 
> weeks, probably 4 weeks. A link to the BHL survey is also given at 
> the head of the BHL web page
> www.biodiversitylibrary.org 
> Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have questions or 
> suggestions concerning the BHL survey. 
> Francisco
> University of Goettingen, Germany
> www.animalbase.org 

NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd.
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