Hola Roberto, as regards to your query, and as indicated by Larry Lovell, I
can confirm by personal experience that juvenile forms of Eunicidae can be
confused in different genera. A study case is the genus Lysibranchia, that
resulted to be a juvenile stage of Marphysa bellii.....with the lateral
palps not yet developed...and therefore not yet valid.
Carinos, hasta pronto,
Maria Cristina
At 18.43 06/04/2010, ROBERTO CARLOS DOMINGUES MARTINS wrote:
>>I'm doing a PhD on characterization of soft benthic habitats from
>Portuguese Continental Shelf.
>I'm with a lot of doubts in Lysaretidae specimens's identification.
>I have many books (Fauchald, Campoy, Fauvel, ...) but unfortunately they
>haven't specific diagnosis for Lysarete genus.
>One of my samples has 5 individuals with two distinct peristomial
>segments, three antennae, branchiae pectinate in the anterior region (8th
>-14th setiger) and multiple setae types (pectinate, aciculae, limbate
>simple and compound, compound bidentate hooded setae). As far as the
>maxilla 1 is concerned I can't explain you, because the individuals are so
>small I can't open them! Sorry. :(
>I'm very confused between the genus Halla or Lysarete!
>So, I hope somebody can help me as soon as possible, with tips or
>articles!!! Please!!!!!
>>Sincerely yours,
>Roberto Martins
>Roberto Carlos Domingues Martins
>PhD student
>Dep. of Biology/CESAM
>Campus de Santiago - Aveiro
>3810-193 Aveiro
>>e-mail: roberto from ua.pt>site: www.cesam.ua.pt/roberto
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