First, I'd like to thank all for your quick and helpful
answers. Your feedback was important for me, because help
me to think about polychaeta's juveniles. Actually I
wasn't sure if those individuals are Lysaretidae due to
the setae types and the branchiae's presence.
In fact, I has 3 stations with those worms, one of them
has some Marphysa belli's, Eunice sp.'s, Aponuphis
bilineata's and Aponuphis ornata's individuals (adults).
If Maria Cristina Gambi is right (I believe that's could
be very probable), how can I identify the little
Have you some papers (or links) about juvenile stages in
Eunice and/or Marphysa and/or Aponuphis genus?
I'll be very grateful!
See you there!
Roberto Martins
Roberto Carlos Domingues Martins
PhD student
Dep. of Biology/CESAM
Campus de Santiago - Aveiro
3810-193 Aveiro
e-mail: roberto from ua.pt
tlm: +351 914705808
tlf interno: 22751
site: www.cesam.ua.pt/roberto