As background for the rest of us the species was described in Polynoe as
Polynoe (Hemilepidia) versluysi.
Hemilepidia was a Schmarda genus which Horst placed as a subgenus of
Polynoe. While the 1915 species description is probably brief ( I
haven't looked), in the later Siboga monograph volume description of
1917 it's given an adequate (?) two pages and two figures (elytron,
parapodium only). The worm named after Versluys was a commensal on the
gorgonian Thouarella hilgendorfi - no idea if that is the current name
I couldn't see any subsequent mentions of the species in BHL
(biodiversity heritage library) or elsewhere, but Hemilepidia has a
number. As a genus it appears disused - was used as recently as 2006,
but only in reference to a doubtful old record for the Mexican Pacific.
Hemilepidia is still ranked as valid in WoRMS, with 4 species.
>>> On 14/04/2010 at 1:37 a.m., Бритаев Темир
Аланович<britayev from> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
>> I am looking for the type material of Hemilepidia (Polynoe)
versluysi. This
> species has been described by Horst (1915) very briefly, based on the
> material collected by Siboga expedition (st. 251, 258) from the Malay
> Archipelago. It seems that nobody mentioned this species later. Any
> and suggestions are very welcome.
>> Temir A. Britayev
>> Head of the Laboratory of Ecology and Morphology of Marine
> A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology & Evolution RAS
> Leninsky pr. 33, 119071 Moscow, Russia
> phone: +7 499 135 1874
> phax: +7 495 954 5534
>> Яндекс.Почта. Письма есть. Спама - нет.
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