[Annelida] Arwidsson date

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Fri Apr 16 04:26:42 EST 2010

Dear all,

Thanks for the several comments.  I think that 1907 is the correct date
for the distribution of Arwidsson's Scandinavian monograph on maldanids
in a journal, although the year 1906 has been used by some workers,
simply because it was the date printed in the text in front of them, in
both thesis and journal versions. While I'm in favour of not
complicating things, it looks like people living then knew the monograph
was actually published 1907, so we should accept that.

In 1911 Arwidsson in Schwedischen Südpolarexpedition quoted his own
work as published in 1907 and published in Zoologische Jahrbücher. I
could stop there, couldn't I? Case closed? Also the work appears in
Zoological record for 1907 with the date 1907, source as Zoologische
Jahrbücher 25, supplement 9, and in Zoo Rec in the adjacent years there
are no mention of other versions.

The version unique only because of the preliminary pages with
thesis-related detail is the one that exists online at BHL. The hard
copy is in the Smithsonian. I don't think we can consider that it was
certainly published earlier, or published in 1906, because there is no
evidence available of the date when it was distributed, or that it was
publicly available. Both the journal and thesis versions were printed
identically, apart from the preliminary pages, in the same place in
Germany by the same printer - I know this because I have a hard copy of
the journal version. I suspect there's no way of showing one was printed
or distributed substantially ahead of the other. 


>>> On 15/04/2010 at 8:31 p.m., "Geoff Read" <g.read from niwa.co.nz>
> Dear colleagues,
> Perhaps someone has concluded which year Ivar Arwidsson published
> thesis "Studien über die skandinavischen und arktischen Maldaniden
> 1906 or 1907?
> Usually when there is uncertainty whether the printed date (here
> text completed in June) is correct we go for the next year. Hartman
> (1951) thought 1907, as did Light (1991, also in his thesis). I am
> inclined to follow the leader, but want reassuring if possible,
> several taxa entries in WoRMS would need to be changed.
> You can see the title pages at
> http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/87302 and they seem to say
> the thesis defense was in Feb 1907, but is this relevant? 

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