[Annelida] Re:

Miriam Guerra via annelida%40net.bio.net (by mguerra from ipimar.pt)
Mon Apr 19 05:28:47 EST 2010

Dear Paul


It looks pretty much like a sipunculid to me, a Sipunculus I would say. I
have been studied the macrozoobenthos of a subtidal soft sediment near a
former Zostera bed that is under replantation and I have already found some
sipunculids in my samples (Golfingia, not Sipunculus). Try papers by E.B.
Cuttler and by P. Gibbs.


Good luck. All the best,

Miriam Tuaty Guerra

IPIMAR, Lisboa, Portugal



De: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu
[mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] Em nome de Paul Chambers
Enviada: segunda-feira, 19 de Abril de 2010 8:56
Para: Annelida List
Assunto: [Annelida] Re:


Dear All,
The attached picture is of an invertebrate (approx 5mm length) that turned
up in a littoral muddy sand sample take near to Zostera beds on the east
coast of Jersey, Channel Islands (English Channel).
I am pretty certain that it is not an annelid but I wondered if anyone has
encountered something similar the course of their research? It reminds me of
a sipunculan but I can't find a match in the literature I have available to
me. Any thoughts will be gratefully received.
With thanks,
Paul Chambers
paulmchambers from hotmail.com


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