[Annelida] Re:

Naveen Namboodiri via annelida%40net.bio.net (by naveen.namboo from gmail.com)
Mon Apr 19 05:53:26 EST 2010

Dear Paul,

This looks like a sipunculan to me (maybe a phascolosoma or Apionosoma) with
its crown of tentacles at the tip of the introvert. Another possibility is
that it may be an echiuran.
Echiura <http://wapedia.mobi/en/Echiura> and
previously regarded as separate phyla, are now regarded as sub-groups of

Please do check if there are minute hooks surrounding the oral tentacles.


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Paul Chambers <paulmchambers from hotmail.com>wrote:

> Dear All,
> The attached picture is of an invertebrate (approx 5mm length) that turned
> up in a littoral muddy sand sample take near to *Zostera* beds on the east
> coast of Jersey, Channel Islands (English Channel).
> I am pretty certain that it is not an annelid but I wondered if anyone has
> encountered something similar the course of their research? It reminds me of
> a sipunculan but I can't find a match in the literature I have available to
> me. Any thoughts will be gratefully received.
> With thanks,
> Paul Chambers
> paulmchambers from hotmail.com
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Naveen Namboothri
Founder Trustee
Dakshin Foundation
Second floor - Gowri Nilaya,
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Ph. +91 80 65356130

Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Ecological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012.

email - naveen_cas from yahoo.com
naveen.namboo from gmail.com
Mob. - +99900253390
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