Yes, it is a sipunculid. Don Cadien, in our lab says the general body shape and coiled gut are characters similar to the genus Nephasoma that we report in the NE Pacific. Not sure if this helps or not.
Lawrence L. Lovell
Biologist II
Ocean Monitoring Research Group
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles
24501 S. Figueroa St.
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-2400 X-5613 office
(310) 952-1065 fax
llovell from < mailto:llovell from>
-----Original Message-----
From: annelida-bounces from [mailto:annelida-bounces from]On Behalf Of Paul Chambers
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 12:56 AM
To: Annelida List
Subject: [Annelida] Re:
Dear All,
The attached picture is of an invertebrate (approx 5mm length) that turned up in a littoral muddy sand sample take near to Zostera beds on the east coast of Jersey, Channel Islands (English Channel).
I am pretty certain that it is not an annelid but I wondered if anyone has encountered something similar the course of their research? It reminds me of a sipunculan but I can't find a match in the literature I have available to me. Any thoughts will be gratefully received.
With thanks,
Paul Chambers
paulmchambers from
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