[Annelida] How big can terebellids get?

Will Ambrose via annelida%40net.bio.net (by wambrose from bates.edu)
Wed Apr 21 16:26:23 EST 2010

Not all a Terebellids' tentacles need be out at one time. This looks 
just like a Terebellid. There is a relationship between tentacle length 
and worm length, but it does not follow that a worm need be longer than 
its tentacles. But, Terebellids can get quite large-10-15 cm.


Geoff Read wrote:
> Actually, I have another suggestion. If those are mainly feeding trace grooves rather than tentacles (the photo size is too small to tell, and there is high contrast, but I am suspicious) it could be an echiuran burrow in the middle. They have amazingly long reach with a single proboscis. Yes, terebellids get very big - but don't they have many more tentacles than that?
> Geoff

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