Hi everyone,
Please pass these instructions on to anyone who is trying to subscribe to Annelida list and failing. There is a new trick question you are asked to prove you are a real person (a human), and not an automated script (web robot). It may be confusing people. Also if the list rejects your usual email address your service provider may be blacklisted, so next try a gmail or similar web-based address. These should always work. Note I am not responsible for tricky technical matters - I just moderate the list and provide advice as best I can.
I just tested the form to subscribe my gmail address and it worked perfectly. It is best to confirm your subscription by using the web address sent to you rather than by replying to the confirmation request email.
Go to: http://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/biomail/listinfo/annelida
Enter your email address in the first panel.
Enter 'Human' (without the quote marks) in the second panel
Enter your real name in the third panel
Click on the subscribe button at the bottom.
You will receive a confirmation request email.
Go to the web page address sent to you in the email.
Click on the subscribe button.
You will receive a 'Welcome' email beginning as follows:
Welcome to the Annelida from net.bio.net mailing list! Annelida is a
moderated list for discussion on scientific study of Phylum Annelida
and allied phyla. Your moderator and list administrator is Geoff Read <g.read from niwa.co.nz>
To post to this list, send your email to:
annelida from net.bio.net
General information about the mailing list is at:
NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd.