Dear all
Our most recent work entitled "Morphometry of the epidermis of an invasive
megascoelecid earthworm (*Amynthas gracilis,* Kinberg 1867) inhabiting
actively volcanic soils in the Azores archipelago" by the authors Luis
Cunha, Itxaso Campos, Rafael Montiel, Armindo Rodrigues, and Andrew J.
Morgan reveals how earthworms of the genus *Amynthas *show to be well
adapted to the extreme environment in soils of a geothermal field in the
Azores Archipelago. By changing cellular content, structure and properties
of their epidermis these earthworms revealed different morphotypes
accordingly to the degree of exposure to the high temperature, acid pH and
hypoxia in such particular environment.
all the very best
Luis CUnha
Luís Cunha
(Msc, Phd student)
Centro de Investigação em Recursos Naturais, Departamento de Biologia
Universidade dos Açores, Rua da Mãe de Deus, 13A Apartado 1422, 9501-855
Ponta Delgada
Açores, Portugal
Tel: (+351) 296 650 102 (ext. 1476)
Fax: (+351) 296 650 100
Tlm (+351) 913897557
E-mail: luisnevescunha from gmail.com
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