[Annelida] Aricidea assimilis, A. fauveli and A. mutabilis

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by g.read from niwa.co.nz)
Sun Sep 19 04:08:11 EST 2010

My 2c

I've tidied these up in WoRMS along the lines suggested (thanks to the contributors). 
I've also worked through some of the other Aricidea sensu lato. With a few more to go ...
Note that WoRMS can't show updated subgeneric combinations for all Aricidea unless someone has used them in print first.

One hopes nowhere else in Polychaeta has so much futile subgeneric back and forth confusion and basic misidentification gone on.


 Geoff Read <g.read from niwa.co.nz>

>>> On 17/09/2010 at 11:39 p.m., "Joao Gil" <gil from ceab.csic.es> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Uff, a tough, question... As far as I know, and according to the ms. of my
> thesis, the story goes more or less like this: [...]

> I hope all this mess makes sense and helps... Off course that all this
> should be confirmed in detail by checking again the available material.
> Anyway, according to this, and as far as I know, the online databases should
> be corrected, unless there are something published that passed unnoticed by
> me. 

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