[Annelida] Specimen Request

Luís Cunha via annelida%40net.bio.net (by luisnevescunha from gmail.com)
Wed Dec 14 23:06:42 EST 2011

Hi Annelida-list,

I am working on some issues concerning *Pontoscolex corethrurus* and *Amynthas
gracilis* populations living inside a geothermal field in the Azores
Islands and my main objective is to try to elucidate the influence of
long-term mixed stress in a geogenic habitat on the population structure
and possible genetic differentiation of this potential pantropical sentinel

I am looking for any type of material fixed in ethanol for molecular
studies of outlier groups, as this is are invasive species I am hoping that
you could be glad in get some out of your lands and I am sure that I would
be very glad to receive any material from anywhere in the world.

If anyone has some material that can spare me, I would be very grateful.

You can contact me at

luisnevescunha from gmail.com

or 00351913897557

Thanking in advance and waiting for your answer

I also would like to sent to the entire Annelida list my wishes of happy
Christmas and joyful New Year of 2012

Best regards


Luis Cunha

 *Luís Cunha  (Msc, PhD student)*

CIRN, Departamento de Biologia – Universidade dos Açores, Rua da Mãe de
Deus, 13A – Apartado 1422, 9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal
*Tel:*(+351)296650102  <%28%2B351%29%20296%20650%20102>(ext. 1775)

*Fax:* (+351)296650100 <%28%2B351%29%20296%20650%20100>
*Tlm:* (+351)913897557 <%28%2B351%29%20913897557>
*E-mail:* luisnevescunha from gmail.com

*Web page:* http://www.pherg.uac.pt

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Facebook] <http://www.facebook.com/luisnevescunha> [image:
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Twitter] <http://twitter.com/#%21/luiscunhamx>
Chat [image: Google Talk] luisnevescunha [image: Skype] luiscunhamx [image:
MSN] luisnevescunha from gmail.com
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