[Annelida] Leiochrides papers

Barbara Mikac via annelida%40net.bio.net (by barbara.mikac from cim.irb.hr)
Fri Dec 16 08:45:45 EST 2011

Dear colleagues,

I need papers describing Leiochrides species. I think I have found
Leiochrides specimens in my sample. They have 12 thoracic segments
bearing capillary chaetae both in noto and neuropodia, and having only
uncini in abdominal segments. The only Leiochrides species found until
now in the Adriatic sea (southern part) is L. australis. However looking
at the paper:

GRAVINA M.F., MOLLICA E., SOMASCHINI A., 1996. First report of
Leiochrides australis Augener, 1914 (Polychaeta, Capitellidae) from the
Mediterranean Sea and notes on the genus Leiochrides. Marine Life, 6:

I see that L. australis has two rounded eyes, while my specimens are
having eyes compound of many oculiforme dots (notomastis like). L.
australis is also described as not having branchiae while in my
specimens there are branchiae on the very posterior part of the body
composed of two rami. In the above mentioned paper L. africanus is said
to have branchiae composed of 2-4 rami.

So I might have L. africanus...?

If anybody can help me with a possible proposal on which species I might
have and sending me some literature/keys on the Leiochrides species, I
would be very grateful.

Many thanks and all the best for the coming holidays :-),

Barbara Mikac, PhD
Higher Research Assistant
Laboratory for Ecology and Systematics of Benthos
Center for Marine Research
Ruđer Bošković Institute
G. Paliaga 5
52210 Rovinj
tel: 00385 52 804722
fax: 00385 52 804780
E-mail: barbara.mikac from cim.irb.hr

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