Dear Séverine
>From your picture, it seems the lobes on segment 1 are larger than those of
some specimens of Pista cristata from North Atlantic I have examined. None
of them had eyespots, but these may fade and disappear in preserved
material, and all those specimens were collected a long time ago. On the
other hand, according to the literature, few species of Pista were described
as having eyespots and all specimens I have seen alive did not have them.
Good luck
2011/7/11 Séverine Dubut <severine.dubut from>
> **
>>>> Dear Members,
>> My name is Severine DUBUT and I am a Technician at the CSLN (Cellule de
> Suivi du littoral Normand) in Le Havre, France. I would kindly ask you if
> you could give me informations concerning the family of Terebellidae,
> specifically on gender Pista. Indeed, I am looking for the name of a specie
> wearing 2 pairs of gills in the shape of pompoms (one pair bigger than the
> other one) and eyespots on the prostomium. At the begin I thought I was in
> the presence of Pista cristata (Müller, 1776) but, when I discovered that my
> specimen has got eyespots I realized that it could not be Pista cristata.Here attached you can find out a picture of the specimen. Do not hesitate to
> contact me by e-mail if you need more details. Thank you so much for your
> help.
>> Kind Regards,
>> --
>> Séverine DUBUT
> Technicienne biologiste - Ecologie benthiqueseverine.dubut from>> Cellule de Suivi du Littoral Normand (CSLN)
> 53, rue de Prony
> 76600 LE HAVRE
> Tél : + 33 (0)
> Fax : + 33 (0)
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