[Annelida] our colleagues in Japan

Lovell, Larry via annelida%40net.bio.net (by LLovell from lacsd.org)
Wed Mar 16 10:23:21 EST 2011

Hi all,

I emailed our polychaete colleague Dr. Waka Sato-Okoshi at Tohoku University, Sendi, Japan yesterday.  My email bounced back due to the email server there not responding.  An internet link to the university indicates that it is closed until April sometime and all classes and other activities have been cancelled until then.  Has anyone heard from Waka or any other of our colleagues in Japan?  

Waka attends all the polychaete conferences and I always enjoy seeing her and catching up.  Since she lives in Sendi, I am especially concerned about the safety of Waka and her family.  If anyone has any information, please send it to me at llovell from lacsd.org.

Thank you,


Larry Lovell

President, SCAMIT

Lawrence L. Lovell
Biologist II
Ocean Monitoring Research Group
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles
24501 S. Figueroa St.
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-2400  X-5613 office
(310) 952-1065 fax
llovell from lacsd.org <mailto:llovell from lacsd.org>

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