Hello to everybody,
if you are interested in a retrospect of bioluminescence in oligochaetes
from the first reports in 1600-1700 to most recent studies, I
published a comprehensive review two years ago. The article also
discusses the morphology, evolution and behavioural aspects in the
various oligochaete taxa:
Rota E. 2009. Lights on the ground: a historical survey of light
production in the Oligochaeta. In: V.B. Meyer-Rochow (ed.),
Bioluminescence in focus. Research Signpost. Trivandrum, Kerala,
India. (ISBN: 9788130803579), pp. 105-138.
Let me know if you need a pdf.
Best wishes
At 04.08 19/05/2011, you wrote:
>>If we are going to widen the discussion, we could go back in history
>to 1665 at the start of the Royal Society, UK,
>when a certain Monsieur Auzout is reported to have made some
>observations on light-emitting worms.
>>Anon (1665) "Observations about Shining Worms in Oysters".
>Philosophical Transactions, 1, 203-206.
>>The accuracy of these interesting observations (made by
>candlelight), and their relevance to polychaete research
>can be assessed in the knowledge that the great Robert Boyle at the
>same time in the journal gave
>"An Account of a Very Odd Monstrous Calf". One wonders if M.
>Auzout had made use of the instrument
> described in "An Account of Micrographia,or the Physiological
> Descriptions of Minute Bodies, Made by Magnifying Glasses" .
>Possibly so if this was Adrien Auzout, French Astronomer. I wonder
>if the experience put him off eating oysters.
>>There are some great paper titles to inspire you at:
>> >>> On 19/05/2011 at 11:44 a.m., Barrie Jamieson
> <bgmjamieson from uq.edu.au> wrote:
> > Dear Paul,
> > In the papers below, the significance of bioluminescence is discussed but
> > with particular reference to oligochaetes, not polychaetes. They may be of
> > interest to you.
>>>Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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>Atmospheric Research Ltd.
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