[Annelida] Alitta (=Neanthes) - No, no no !

gambimc from szn.it via annelida%40net.bio.net (by gambimc from szn.it)
Fri Nov 11 14:19:48 EST 2011

Dears all,

Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus...

the "incriminated" Alitta (=Neanthes) was a mistake (mine) in proofs  
corrections, in fact it was emended in the title and most of the text,  
while it remained in the running title and abstract...

I am currently providing, if possible, to correct the online version  
of the paper, to be hopefully admitted again in the polychaete (and  
taxonomist) community...

Maria Cristina Gambi

Citando Geoff Read <Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz>:

> Hi there,
> A recent paper in an important publication had the formulation "   
> Alitta (=Neanthes) succinea" in the first lines of the abstract and   
> introduction, and even in the running title!
> No, no no!  That is just silly. It offends my eye, and it will   
> confuse the biologist public, and I dare say, informatics data   
> algorithms will get it wrong when parsing the name.
> What was really meant was " Alitta succinea [formerly Neanthes   
> succinea] "  Of course it was also formerly several other   
> combinations, starting with Nereis. But we progress.
> Too late now, but since how to handle this situation is still not   
> clear to a few I raise the matter here again.  It's quite   
> straightforward. WE DO NOT PUT COMMENTS INTO SPECIES NAMES.  A name   
> with first letter in upper case that is interpolated in parenthesis   
>  between genus and species is solely for the intermediate category,   
> subgenus.  But Neanthes will never be a subgenus of Alitta. Likewise  
>  Neanthes and Alitta are not equivalent so why the equals sign? The   
> formulation Alitta (=Neanthes) succinea is thus nonsensical.
> How to formulate correctly is covered by Recommendation 6A of the   
> current ICZN code.
> http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted-sites/iczn/code/index.jsp?article=6&nfv=#1
> " Recommendation 6A. Undesirable interpolation of certain   
> genus-group names in binomina or trinomina. No genus-group name   
> other than a valid subgeneric name should be interpolated between a   
> generic name and a specific name, even in square brackets or   
> parentheses. An author who desires to refer to a former generic   
> combination should do so in some explicit form such as   
> "Branchiostoma lanceolatum [formerly in Amphioxus]".
> Geoff
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