[Annelida] FW: Specimen request

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Fri Nov 11 22:44:32 EST 2011


From: Erika Norlinder [mailto:erika.norlinder from marecol.gu.se]
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2011 3:43 a.m.
To: Geoff Read

Hi Geoff,

My name is Erika Norlinder. I am a PhD student and I work with taxonomy and phylogeny in Aphroditiformia. At the moment I am looking at some taxonomical issues involving Harmothoe spinosa and Bylgides elegans. I have had trouble accessing the annelida-list and my supervisor (Fredrik Pleijel) told me to contact you.  So if you could pass the following message forward I would be most thankful.

Hi Annelida-list,

I am working on some issues concerning Harmothoe spinosa and Bylgides elegans. I am in need of material fixed in ethanol for molecular studies. For H. spinosa from the Magellan Strait, Sub- Antarctic or Antarctic areas and for B. elegans from the Karak-Sea or Arctic or Svalbard area.

If anyone has some material that you can spare me, I would be grateful.

You can contact me at

erika.norlinder from marecol.gu.se<mailto:erika.norlinder from marecol.gu.se>

Thank you,


Erika Norlinder
Department of Marine Ecology, MEK
University of Gothenburg
Kristineberg 566
451 78 Fiskebäckskil

Phone: +46 31
           +46 70 714 41 97
Fax:     +46 31 786 27 27
erika.norlinder from marecol.gu.se<mailto:erika.norlinder from marecol.gu.se>

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