[Annelida] Polychaete life history and locality info and serpulids from cold seeps

Lena Kupriyanova via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Lena.Kupriyanova from gmail.com)
Wed Nov 16 14:59:30 EST 2011

Dear friends and colleagues,

Greetings from Sydney. I am looking for polychaete life history 
information for a review I am involved in (and yes, I am also looking 
for an easy way out of most tedious work :). If you published something 
in the last decade (since 1999 I 'd say) that has data on egg size, 
developmental mode, and collection locality (ideally with long/lat, but 
it is not crucial) including depth, please send me that info along with 
the reference. I will not only highly appreciate it, but (more 
importantly :) will also will cite your paper(s)  in a major review.

Also, I am looking for any information on serpulids from cold seeps and 
for any unidentified serpulid specimens (I am all of them will be 
unidentified anyway) from such habitats. Again, any leads will be highly 
appreciated and I will gladly name a new species after a person who 
would kindly provides me with the specimens.


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