[Annelida] FW: Postdoctoral Fellowships at Smithsonian Enviro Res Center

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Mon Nov 28 19:43:38 EST 2011

FYI. Forwarded from Marine-B list


Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
(1) Postdoctoral Research: Marine Zooplankton Ecology

Description: We currently seek a postdoctoral researcher to sample and characterize plankton communities, especially zooplankton communities, associated with the ballast water of commercial vessels that arrive to U.S. ports. One goal of this research is to understand how plankton communities have changed over time, as a function of changing ballast management practices. This is a group research project, and the candidate will assume a lead role. The research will include field-based research in Chesapeake Bay, and possibly other sites. A large focus will be on sampling commercial ships on arrival to port and analysis of taxonomic composition and abundances of zooplankton. This project is a joint effort with the Marine Environmental Resource Center (MERC, www.maritime-enviro.org<http://www.maritime-enviro.org>), a Maryland Port Administration funded initiative at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.
Location: The Zooplankton Ecology position is based at the Marine Invasion Research Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Edgewater, Maryland, USA. SERC is a research center of the Smithsonian Institution, located on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay, approximately 10 miles south of Annapolis, 40 miles west of Washington D.C., and 40 miles south of Baltimore. The Marine Invasion Research Lab (http://invasions.si.edu/) currently has a staff of approximately 25 biologists who conduct research throughout the country and overseas, in collaboration with researchers from a variety of other institutions.
Education / Experience: PhD in Marine Biology, Ecology, or related field. Candidates must have (a) strong background in experimental ecology and marine invertebrate biology/ecology, (b) knowledge of statistics and data management. Experience with zooplankton identification and analysis, as well as ballast water, is highly desirable. Applicants must be organized, self motivated, independent and pro-active. Strong communication skills and ability to work as part of a research team are required, as is a proven talent to write reports and publications. Experience giving presentations to various audiences (e.g., scientific conferences, agencies, and the public) is desirable. Some travel may be required.
Start Date: Position to begin in winter, ideally January or February 2012. For full consideration, please submit application by 15 December 2011.
Salary: $45,000 plus benefits Duration: 1 year, with prospect of renewal.
To Apply: Please submit current CV, letter describing research experience and interests, as well as contact information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) for 3 references. Please also identify the project(s) for which you wish to be considered; you may apply to more than one, but your letter should highlight your specific interests and experience relevant to each. Applications should be submitted to Monaca Noble, noblem from si.edu<mailto:noblem from si.edu>, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, P.O. Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037 USA. Email submission preferred.
(2) Postdoctoral Research: Marine Soft-sediment Invertebrate Ecology

Description: We currently seek a postdoctoral researcher to sample and characterize soft-sediment marine invertebrate communities in coastal bays and estuaries along western North America. A major goal of this research is to understand spatial patterns of non-native and native species diversity. This is a group research project, and the candidate will assume a lead role. This research will focus on field-based sampling and analysis of taxonomic composition and abundances of infaunal macro-invertebrates.
Location: The Soft-sediment Invertebrate Ecology position is based in Tiburon, California at the Marine Invasion Research Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). SERC is a research center of the Smithsonian Institution, located on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay. The Marine Invasion Research Lab
(http://invasions.si.edu/) includes a research facility in California and currently has a staff of approximately 25 biologists who conduct research on marine invasion dynamics throughout the country and overseas.
Education / Experience: PhD in Marine Biology, Ecology, or related field. Candidates must have (a) strong background in community ecology and marine invertebrate biology/ecology, (b) knowledge of soft-sediment (infaunal) species identification, and (c) experience with statistics and data management. Applicants must be organized, self motivated, independent and pro-active. Strong communication skills and ability to work as part of a research team are required, as is a proven talent to write reports and publications. Experience giving presentations to various audiences (e.g., scientific conferences, agencies, and the public) is desirable. Some travel may be required.
Start Date: Position to begin in April 2012. For full consideration, please submit application by 15 January 2012.
Salary: $45,000 plus benefits Duration: 1 year, with prospect of renewal.
To Apply: Please submit current CV, letter describing research experience and interests, as well as contact information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) for 3 references. Please also identify the project(s) for which you wish to be considered; you may apply to more than one, but your letter should highlight your specific interests and experience relevant to each. Applications should be submitted to Monaca Noble, noblem from si.edu<mailto:noblem from si.edu>, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, P.O. Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037 USA. Email submission preferred.
(3) Postdoctoral Research: Commercial Shipping Traffic and Marine Invasions

Description: We currently seek a postdoctoral researcher to (a) evaluate the past and future effects of the Panama Canal on global shipping traffic patterns of commercial vessels and (b) consider possible implications for transfers of marine species associated with ships' ballast water or hulls. This project involves working with large data sets and formal analyses to examine traffic networks, routes, ship characteristics, and associated environmental conditions. The candidate will assume a lead role and work as part of group that focuses on shipping dynamics.
Location: The position is based at the Marine Invasion Research Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). SERC is a research center of the Smithsonian Institution, located on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay. The Marine Invasion Research Lab (http://invasions.si.edu/) currently has a staff of approximately 25 biologists who conduct research on marine invasion dynamics throughout the country and overseas.
Education / Experience: PhD in Marine Biology, Ecology, Transportation, or related field. Candidates must have (a) strong background in statistics and quantitative skills, (b) experience in working with large, complex datasets, and (c) the ability to formally evaluate trade networks. Applicants must be organized, self motivated, independent and pro-active. Strong communication skills and ability to work as part of a research team are required, as is a proven talent to write reports and publications. Experience giving presentations to various audiences (e.g., scientific conferences, agencies, and the public) is desirable. Some travel may be required.
Start Date: Position to begin in January 2012. For full consideration, please submit application by 15 December 2011.
Salary: $45,000 plus benefits Duration: 1 year, with prospect of renewal.
To Apply: Please submit current CV, letter describing research experience and interests, as well as contact information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) for 3 references. Please also identify the project(s) for which you wish to be considered; you may apply to more than one, but your letter should highlight your specific interests and experience relevant to each. Applications should be submitted to Monaca Noble, noblem from si.edu<mailto:noblem from si.edu>, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, P.O. Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037 USA. Email submission preferred.

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