[Annelida] paper

Letzy Serrano via annelida%40net.bio.net (by letzy from ceab.csic.es)
Fri Oct 21 08:43:44 EST 2011

Dear all


We are pleased to inform you that our article: Serrano, L. G., M. J.
Cardell, J. P. Lozoya & R. Sardá. 2011 A polychaete-dominated community in
the NW Mediterranean Sea, 20 years after cessation of sewage discharges” has
been published by Italian Journal of Zoology i First edition. DOI:


Let me know if some of you are interested in a pdf of it.


Best regards,


Letzy Serrano

Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes

 <http://www.ceab.csic.es/> C/ d'accés a la Cala St. Francesc, 14. 

Blanes. Girona. 

E-17300 (España). 

Tel:(+34) 972 33 61 01 Fax:(+34) 972 337806

letzy from ceab.csic.es

letzys from yahoo.com




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