Dear all,
Hello! I was unable to get the following reference through interlibrary loan through my local library and I was hoping someone could help me find the pertinent pages from this reference.
San Martin, G. 2003. Annelida, Polychaeta II. Syllidae. Fauna Iberica, vol. 21. Pp. 554.
I am not looking for someone to send me the entire pdf, as that would probably be impossible. I am interested in the pertinent pages that deal with the synonymization of Grubeosyllis and Salvatoria and subsequent reassignment of species in the genera Grubeosyllis, Brania, and Salvatoria. More specifically, I am interested in reading about the reassignment of Brania clavata to Salvatoria clavata and Grubeosyllis rugulosa to Brania rugulosa. I will also welcome other publications/opinions dealing with these genera. Thanks so much for your help!
Jennifer Davenport, M. Sc.
Terra Environmental Services, Inc.
101 16th Avenue South, Suite 4
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
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