Could anybody help me to find the following articles:
Orensanz, J. M., 1977. Polychaeta. In Hurlbert, S. H. (ed.), Biota acuatica
de Sudamerica austral. San Diego State
University, San Diego, 9798.
Orensanz, J. M., 1981. Polychaeta. In Hurlbert, S. H., G. Rodriguez & N. D.
dos Santos (eds), Aquatic Biota of Tropical South America. (Being a
Compilation of Taxonomic Bibliographies for the Fauna and Flora of
Inland Waters of the Tropical Portion of South America). Part
2. Anarthropoda. San Diego University, San Diego, 167169.
Orensanz, J. M., 1982. Polychaeta. In Hurlbert, S. H. &
A. Villalobos-Figueroa (eds), Aquatic Biota of Mexico, Central America and
the West Indies (Being a Compilation of Taxonomic Bibliographies for the
Fauna and Flora of Island Waters of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean
region). San Diego State University, San Diego, 159161.
Many thanks!
Dr. Jeffrey Alejandro Sibaja Cordero
Prof. Escuela de Biología UCR
Investigador CIMAR & Museo Zoología UCR
Universidad de Costa Rica.
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