[Annelida] Reference of (Ehlers, 1901)

José Eriberto Assis via annelida%40net.bio.net (by eri.assis from gmail.com)
Wed Mar 21 08:15:37 EST 2012

Hi all

I wish I had afford to pay for the pdf because I know the importance of
having a job, but I only for a scholarship of (1,800 reais) equivalent to
980 dolars for my survival as a PhD student. It is very expensive for
me. Thanks
to all who sent me the pdf. I hope that this paper and books more old could
be available one day.

Best wishes,

Eriberto de Assis

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Ascensão Ravara <aravara from ua.pt> wrote:

> And also the same in Portugal. Ascensão
> On 2012/03/21, at 10:26, Barbara Mikac wrote:
>  Same case in Croatia.
>> Cheers,
>> Barbara
>> On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 09:53 +0100, LALLIER François wrote:
>>> From France, Jim's link drives me to books.google.fr and a "Get Print
>>> Book", "No ebook available" in the upper left corner...
>>> François
>>> Le 21 mars 2012 à 01:19, Chris Glasby a écrit :
>>>  What happens in Australia?
>>>> same as the NZ case; I’d have to pay for the pdf.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Chris
>>>> From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.**indiana.edu<annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu>
>>>> [mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.**bio.indiana.edu<annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu>]
>>>> On Behalf Of Geoff
>>>> Read
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012 8:53 AM
>>>> To: James Blake
>>>> Cc: Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.**edu <Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>
>>>> Subject: RE: [Annelida] Reference of (Ehlers, 1901)
>>>> Well, this is odd Jim. That link returns the exact same page I was
>>>> looking at.  For me, and presumably the rest of New Zealand, that
>>>> link aliases to Google NZ which serves up a page that is the snippet
>>>> view and has no access to the pdf, whereas in the USA Google.com
>>>> returns an open access page to you. Needless to say I am more than
>>>> somewhat irritated that you in the USA can download a book published
>>>> in Germany, when I cannot do the same in New Zealand. I know about
>>>> odd publisher limitations for regional  access for books still in
>>>> copyright (where there is more than one publisher producing the
>>>> book), but this item was published in 1901, thus the book is over
>>>> 110 years old and should be well out of copyright.
>>>> I haven’t heard of this before. I shall be trying to find out more
>>>> about what is going on here, and ways to circumvent it.   I suspect
>>>> Google foul play. I wonder if other countries are affected? What
>>>> happens in Australia?
>>>> Geoff
>>>> From: James Blake [mailto:jablake9 from gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:33 a.m.
>>>> To: Geoff Read
>>>> Cc: Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.**edu <Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Annelida] Reference of (Ehlers, 1901)
>>>> Geoff,
>>>> You are wrong, I downloaded it myself today. It is a good scan but
>>>> the plates are of variable quality.
>>>> It is one of three papers in the "Festschrift."
>>>> http://books.google.com/books?**id=TqxRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA165&lpg=**
>>>> PA165&dq=Die+polychaeten+de+**magellanischen+und+**
>>>> chilenischen+Stranden&source=**bl&ots=bcxzkJX_ky&sig=**
>>>> Bca1u8oZMzPYHqZg9a6qYiCCKzM&**hl=en&sa=X&ei=7gRpT8_BFpLg2wX_**
>>>> qdmUCQ&ved=0CFgQ6AEwBw#v=**onepage&q=Die%20polychaeten%**
>>>> 20de%20magellanischen%20und%**20chilenischen%20Stranden&f=**false<http://books.google.com/books?id=TqxRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA165&lpg=PA165&dq=Die+polychaeten+de+magellanischen+und+chilenischen+Stranden&source=bl&ots=bcxzkJX_ky&sig=Bca1u8oZMzPYHqZg9a6qYiCCKzM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7gRpT8_BFpLg2wX_qdmUCQ&ved=0CFgQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=Die%20polychaeten%20de%20magellanischen%20und%20chilenischen%20Stranden&f=false>
>>>> Jim
>>>> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Geoff Read
>>>> <Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz> wrote:
>>>> Hi there Jim, Jose and all,
>>>> It’s an important work but as far as I can tell this book is not
>>>> available as a pdf digitised via Google.  However happy to be proved
>>>> wrong (as fast as electrons can move) by supply of a direct url.
>>>> I can see Google has it
>>>> at books.google.com/books?id=**W3gIAAAAMAAJ&q<http://books.google.com/books?id=W3gIAAAAMAAJ&q>but that is only the
>>>> teaser ‘no ebook’  glimpse, and there is a link onwards to a
>>>> print-on-demand merchant. Maybe Google earlier on had it freely
>>>> available?
>>>> With regards to the citation I’m also puzzled by the linkage to the
>>>> 150 year anniversary “Festschrift zur feier des
>>>> hundertfünfzigjährigen …” which is also given in Hartman, 1951. Can
>>>> anyone with an original print copy explain or verify how this is a
>>>> real connection? There is a book with this Festschrift title online
>>>> at archive.org published 1901 but the content is not biological.
>>>> If the book is not available online yet, then I have a personal pdf
>>>> scan of Ehlers’ ‘Die polychaeten de magellanischen .. ‘ (supplied by
>>>> someone else, and I expect they would not mind if I passed this on).
>>>> It won’t be as good a copy as a professionally scanned pdf.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Geoff Read
>>>> From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.**indiana.edu<annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu>[mailto:
>>>> annelida-bounces from oat.**bio.indiana.edu<annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu>]
>>>> On Behalf Of José Eriberto Assis
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 21 March 2012 7:01 a.m.
>>>> To: annelida
>>>> Subject: [Annelida] Reference of (Ehlers, 1901)
>>>> Hi, all
>>>> I am need this reference above, If somebody can send for me a pdf or
>>>> other file, I will be very greatfull.
>>>> Ehlers, E. – 1901. Die polychaeten de magellanischen und
>>>> chilenischen Stranden. Ein Faunistischer Versusch. Festschrift zur
>>>> Feier des Hundertfünfzigjährigen Bestehens der königlichen
>>>> Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttigen. Wiedmannsche
>>>> Buchhandlung.
>>>> Thank you very much
>>>> Best wishes
>>>> --
>>>> Universidade Federal da Paraíba
>>>> Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza
>>>> Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia
>>>> João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.
>>>> CEP: 58051-900.
>>>> e-mail: eri.assis from gmail.com
>>>> (55) 83 - 8889-8791/ 8883-3481 (celular/mobile)
>>>> Currículo
>>>> lattes: http://dgp.cnpq.br/**buscaoperacional/detalheest.**
>>>> jsp?est=4531682067639497<http://dgp.cnpq.br/buscaoperacional/detalheest.jsp?est=4531682067639497>
>>>> www.lipyufpb.com.br/Inicial
>>>> (curators associated) http://zipcodezoo.com/**Curators/Eriberto%20de%
>>>> 20Assis.asp
>>>> --
>>>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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>>>> --
>>>> James A. Blake, Ph.D.
>>>> Marine & Coastal Center
>>>> AECOM Environment, NE Region
>>>> 89 Water Street
>>>> Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543
>>>> Tel: 508-457-7900; CELL: 508-277-2760
>>>> E-Mail: James.Blake from aecom.com and
>>>> jablake9 from gmail.com
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> Ascensão Ravara
> Dep. Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro
> Campus Universitário de Santiago
> 3810-193 Aveiro
> Portugal
> email: aravara from ua.pt
> Phone: + 351 234 370969
> Fax: + 351 234 372 587
> http://leme.web.ua.pt/
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> Annelida mailing list
> Post: Annelida from net.bio.net
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Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza
Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia
João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.
CEP: 58051-900.
e-mail: eri.assis from gmail.com
(55) 83 - 8889-8791/ 8883-3481 (celular/mobile)
Currículo lattes:
(curators associated)
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