I have sent the article to Muthu.
From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu [mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] On Behalf Of Muthu Kumar
Sent: Friday, 28 September 2012 12:27 a.m.
To: annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
Subject: [Annelida] Pheretima campestris??? or Amynthas campestris???
I am working on terrestrial earthworms of Kolli hill, Tamil Nadu, India. I want to study the genera Pheretima and Amynthas of Megascolecidae family and I want to check whether the species Pheretima campestris renamed as Amynthas campestris or Amynthas corticis, so could anybody help me by sending the following article? "Sims R.W. and E.G. Easton. 1972. On numerical revision of the earthworm genus Pheretima auct. (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) with the recognition of new genera and an appendix on the earthworms collected the Royal Society North Borneo Expedition"
Thank you in advance. Have a nice time.
warm regards
Ph. D. Researcher on Earthworms
Post Graduate & Research Department of Zoology
Nehru Memorial College (Autonomous)
Puthanampatti-621 007
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: +91-9578074950
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