This is available to Australian and New Zealand students only. Sponsored by ABRS (Australian Biological Resources Study). Contact the Adelaide University email below if interested.
The University of Adelaide
16-21 June 2013
"This workshop will include advanced level training in phylogenetic methods, imaging techniques, DNA barcoding, systematics theory, nomenclature and the taxonomic process, collection management, databases, publishing results, finding a job, and much more.
"The workshop is designed for PhD students in the first and second years of their project, but applications will be accepted from anyone who has had < 3 years of candidature. It is specifically designed for students undertaking projects that have a biological systematics component or are broadly relevant to systematics. Funding is available to assist students attend the workshop, but there is a maximum of 30 places - available only to students enrolled in Australian and New Zealand Universities."
"Deadline for expressions of interest: 1st May 2013
Email expressions of interest to: michelle.guzik from adelaide.edu.au:
Include your name, institution and School/Department, project title and brief 100 word description, years/months of candidature, name of primary supervisor and their email address.
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