[Annelida] Australasia: 3rd Postgraduate Training Workshop in Systematics at Adelaide University

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Tue Apr 16 19:38:16 EST 2013


This is available to Australian and New Zealand students only. Sponsored by ABRS (Australian Biological Resources Study).  Contact the Adelaide University email below if interested.

The University of Adelaide
16-21 June 2013

"This workshop will include advanced level training in phylogenetic methods, imaging techniques, DNA barcoding, systematics theory, nomenclature and the taxonomic process, collection management, databases, publishing results, finding a job, and much more.

"The workshop is designed for PhD students in the first and second years of their project, but applications will be accepted from anyone who has had < 3 years of candidature. It is specifically designed for students undertaking projects that have a biological systematics component or are broadly relevant to systematics. Funding is available to assist students attend the workshop, but there is a maximum of 30 places - available only to students enrolled in Australian and New Zealand Universities."

"Deadline for expressions of interest: 1st May 2013
Email expressions of interest to: michelle.guzik from adelaide.edu.au:
Include your name, institution and School/Department, project title and brief 100 word description, years/months of candidature, name of primary supervisor and their email address.

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