[Annelida] Lab technician positions

Osborn, Karen via annelida%40net.bio.net (by OsbornK from si.edu)
Tue Apr 23 13:56:50 EST 2013

Two more genetics lab technician positions at the Smithsonian.  They are federal positions so you must be an US citizen - sorry to those who would like to apply but are not eligible.

Good luck,

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: [LabAll] Lab technician positions in NMNH - announcements open on USAJOBS

2 permanent full time positions advertised at NMNH for molecular lab technicians:
Please forward/post/advertise



Karen Osborn
osbornk from si.edu<mailto:osbornk from si.edu>
Research Zoologist/Curator
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, MRC-163
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA

Courier address:
Smithsonian Institution, MRC 0163, Natural History, West Loading Dock
10th and Constitution Ave., Washington, DC 20560

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