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From: Pat Hutchings [Pat.Hutchings from austmus.gov.au]
Sent: 03 June 2013 15:08
To: Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
Subject: a new paper
Hi folks we are pleased to announce the publication of
The continuing challenge of phylogenetic relationships
in Terebelliformia (Annelida : Polychaeta)
Jo=E3o Miguel de Matos Nogueira Kirk Fitzhugh and Pat Hutchings
Invertebrate Systematics, 2013, 27, 186=96238
We should also like to thank all those you supplied material for this exten=
sive revision =96 happy reading Pat
Dr Pat Hutchings
Senior Principal Research Scientist
Research Branch Marine invertebrates
Chair of the Organising Committee of the 11th International Polychaete Conf=
erence, August 2013-being held at the Australian Museum (www.ipc2013.com.au=
Polychaete editor for Zootaxa
Australian Museum
6 College Street Sydney NSW 2010 Australia
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