[Annelida] Australishe Polychaeten

Наталия Днестровская via annelida%40net.bio.net (by ndnestro from mail.ru)
Thu Jun 6 12:04:47 EST 2013

Dear colleagues!

In the list of References  of  Hartman O., 1950. Polychaetous annelids. Goniadidae, Glyceridae and Nephtyidae // Allan Hancock Pacific Exped., 1950, 15 (1): 1–182.

I saw the link to the paper of

Augener, 1922. Australishe Polychaeten des Hamburger zoologiches Museum. // Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin. Vol. 88 (Abt. A), pp. 1-37, 9 figs.

I need this paper. But when I looked for it in different libraries - all answers were that the number of the Volumes was wrong.
If somebody have pdf  of this paper? or knows the real number of Volume?

I would be greatly appreciated for sending it to me.

The best wishes 


Nataliya Dnestrovskaya
Scientific Senior Researcher
Dept of Hydrobiology
Moscow State University

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