[Annelida] FW: Postdoc on Abyssal Ecosystems

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Mon Jun 17 17:09:32 EST 2013


From: Marine Research Information Network on Biodiversity [mailto:MARINE-B from LISTSERV.HEANET.IE] On Behalf Of Mark Costello - Leigh Marine
Sent: Monday, 17 June 2013 11:16 p.m.
Subject: [MARINE-B] Postdoc on Abyssal Ecosystems

Postdoctoral Position In Abyssal Ecosystem Studies and Oceanographic Project Management

Project Overview

The postdoctoral scholar will work with the ABYSSLINE Project, and international study designed to evaluate abyssal ecosystem baseline conditions in a region targeted for manganese nodule mining within the abyssal Pacific Clipperton-Clarian Zone (CCZ).   The ABYSSLINE project will address the following key questions:

1) What are the baseline conditions of community structure and biodiversity for the key benthic
biotic components of this ecosystem (megafauna, macrofauna, meiofauna and microbes)?

2) How do community structure, sediment community respiration, and biodiversity vary as a
function of environmental parameters (especially nodule cover) across the CCZ in space and time.

3) What is the connectivity at species and population levels between across the CCZ for representative components of the biota?

The ABYSSLINE Project is a five year study, involving a science-industry collaboration, with project funding renewed on an annual basis.

Postdoctoral Opportunities and Responsibilities

The successful candidate will lead data collection, analyses, and authorship of publications for studies of abyssal megafaunal and macrofaunal community structure and biodiversity using ROV imaging (video and still) and animal collections.

Contribute to data synthesis and analyses, conducting community and diversity analyses with statistical software including univariate and multivariate statistical approaches (e.g., using Primer and Biodiversity Pro),

Assist in supervision of laboratory personnel in the sorting/identification of megafauna and macrofauna in samples and seafloor photographs.

 Coordinate planning and data-synthesis meetings for an international scientific research project, including scheduling meetings, arranging venues and accommodations, and assisting with other meeting logistics.

Help solicit and evaluate bids for oceanographic equipment (e.g., microscopes, box corers, multiple corers, deep-sea acoustic releases).

Help coordinate and oversee research cruise logistics.

Assist with sample shipments to, and correspondence with, taxonomic experts and principal investigators from other national and international laboratories.

Author/co-author project reports and scientific papers, and present scientific results at project meetings and international scientific conferences/ workshops.

Minimum Qualifications

PhD degree in Biological Oceanography, Marine Biology,  or closely related scientific discipline.

Ocean-going experience onboard scientific research vessels, and prior involvement in deep-sea research expeditions.

Demonstrated ability to work with ROV and/or other oceanographic equipment, and knowledge of sample processing and analyses whilst at sea.

Demonstrated ability to understand oral and written documentation, write reports and scientific manuscripts, and communicate effectively in a range of professional situations.

Track record of publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Stipend and Duration of Position

The stipend will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, and is expected to be in the range of $70,000 - $75,000 US.  Position will be funded on an annual basis as project funds are renewed annually; the project is expected to last five years.  The successful candidate will be expected to make a 2-yr commitment.


Apply by July 3, 2013 by submitting curriculum vitae and a brief statement of interests in research by email to Craig R. Smith, ABYSSLINE Project Principle Investigator (craigsmi from hawaii.edu<mailto:craigsmi from hawaii.edu>). Please provide the name, email address and phone number for three professional references. Appointment will begin no later than 15 September, 2013.

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