[Annelida] Photos from previous conferences

Elena Kupriyanova via annelida%40net.bio.net (by lena.kupriyanova from gmail.com)
Thu Jun 20 00:31:21 EST 2013

Dear friends and colleagues,

The 11th Polychaete Conference is getting closer and closer, which means we
will welcome many of you here in Sydney soon. We are now potting together a
slide show  featuring photos taken during previous conferences. So, if you
have such photos and could/would like to share with your colleagues both
the images an the memories associated with them, please send them to Pat or
myself asap.

Wormly yours :)


*Dr. Elena Kupriyanova*

Research Scientist

Marine Invertebrates

elena.kupriyanova from austmus.gov.au

Member of the Organising Committee

of the 11th International Polychaete Conference,

held at the Australian Museum (www.ipc2013.com.au)

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