[Annelida] FW: Pseudobranchiomma orientalis request

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Mon Jun 24 16:52:16 EST 2013

FYI. Replies to Mariana Tovar-Hernández maria_ana_tovar from yahoo.com

From: Mariana Tovar [mailto:maria_ana_tovar from yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 25 June 2013 6:52 a.m.
To: Geoff Read
Subject: Pseudobranchiomma orientalis request

Dear all,
I hope that all of you are OK!
I need specimens of the sabellid Pseudobranchiomma orientalis for comparison. It was described by McIntosh (1885) as Dasychone for Hong Kong. It has been recorded in harbors from India and Australia. As most of you know, museums do not send type materials to Mexico. So, I tried to get non-type material from several Indian and Chinese institutions but none of them have samples of P. orientalis. I wonder if some of you have P. orientalis in your collections. If so, could you send me some specimens for study?
Usually you can find species of Pseudobranchiomma forming large colonies (30 or more than 100 individuals) in any man-made substrate (docks, pillings, hull boats, buoys, etc), although species of Pseudobranchiomma have been also recorded on rocky shores and mangrove roots. Tubes are sandy, smooth, very thin (about 1 mm diameter) and long (3-7 cm). Pseudobranchiomma resembles the genus Branchiomma, but the first have poor developed pairs of pseudostylodes (as serrations) in comparison with the stylodes of Branchiomma (digitiform, strap-like, foliose, tongue, paddke-shaped, etc).
I really need these materials for conclude my research. I will be very grateful if any of you could help me.
Please, contact me if you have any question.
Thanks a lot in advance.
María Ana Tovar-Hernández
Av. Miguel Alemán 616-4B
Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C. P. 82040
Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México.
Tel. (669) 910 09 00

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