[Annelida] poster sizes

Pat Hutchings via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Pat.Hutchings from austmus.gov.au)
Wed Jun 26 01:34:19 EST 2013


Hi folks due the large number of posters being displayed during the conference - we are asking people to reduce the size of their poster  900x900mm

The original dimensions were 1.2x 1.2-  we basically don't have enough  space in the rooftop to hang them all- at the original  size

So PLEASE print your posters at 900x900 mm

If the unlikely event you have already printed them to the larger size please let me know asp-and we can give you a slightly larger space but with 100 posters - we are struggling to find enough space

The website will be changed too-sorry folks
Hope to post the porgramme for the talks by tomorrow onto the website

Cheers Pat

Dr Pat Hutchings
Senior Principal Research Scientist
Research Branch Marine invertebrates
Chair of the Organising Committee of the 11th International Polychaete Conference, August 2013-being held at the Australian Museum (www.ipc2013.com.au)
Polychaete editor for Zootaxa

Australian Museum
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