Hi folks!
A new paper on syllids has been published today!
Let me know if you are interested on it:
Álvarez-Campos, Patricia; San Martín, Guillermo; Aguado, M. Teresa.
2013. A new species and new record of the commensal genus
Alcyonosyllis Glasby & Watson, 2001 and a new species of
Parahaplosyllis Hartmann-Schröder, 1990, (Annelida: Syllidae:
Syllinae) from Philippines Islands. Zootaxa 3734(2): 156-168
Quoting Geoff Read <Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz>:
> Hi folks,
>> Is this a hesionid? A photo of a Brazil marine worm head by Alvaro
> Migotto wins 3rd in Nikon's photomicroscopy competition.
> There's one there from Professor Dr Rouse too, but not a poly.
>>http://www.nikonsmallworld.com/galleries/entry/2013-photomicrography-competition/3>>>> --
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water &
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