[Annelida] Identification of a possible deep-sea polychaete

Nataliya Budaeva via annelida%40net.bio.net (by nbudaeva from mail.ru)
Tue Jan 21 04:52:08 EST 2014

 Dear colleagues,

We have come across numerous specimens of unknown creature while were processing the deep-water video transects from the Arctic. All videos were taken in Nansen and Amundsen basins around 3500-4200 m deep.
The organisms are about 1-2 cm long and able to swim close to the bottom. The isopod specialists said that they were definitely not their beasts and our best guess was that they may belong to Macellicephalinae. 

We would be very grateful for any ideas from the Annelid Community!

With best wishes,

Dr Nataliya Budaeva
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
Russian Academy of Sciences
Nakhimovsky pr., 36
117997 Moscow

E-mail: nbudaeva from mail.ru
nataliya.budaeva from gmail.com

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