Dear Anellidians, colleagues and friends,
with some colleagues of my Institute, the Stazione Zoologica of
Naples, we have started a new project related to analysis of CG%
content of DNA in polychaetes, in order to test a hypothesis related
to metabolism and motility of species.
To test this we need as many polar/cold water species is possible, as
well as many sessile/tubicolous species.
Therefore, this message is to ask for samples (fixed in ethanol) of
any kind of sessile/tubicolous polychaete species (Sabellidae,
Serpulidae, Sabellariidae, Terebellidae, Siboglinidae) or any kind of
polar/cold water taxa. We can rely also on small pieces of tissues of
such species or of extract of DNA, if this could be simpler.
In return we can acknowledge of course any of you for the material and
send samples of temperate species (Mediterranean) if you need for
other purposes.
In case the amount of material you can provide is conspicuous, we are
open and willing to collaborate and therefore you can contact in
advance for a formal agreement.
With my kindest regards,
Maria Cristina Gambi
P.S. it may help to inform that various years ago I published one of
the first paper related to the C-value (DNA content) in polychaetes
(Gambi et al., 1997, JMBA UK), in case I'll be pleased to send you the
pdf copy.
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