[Annelida] Some recent papers
Elena Kupriyanova
via annelida%40net.bio.net
(by lena.kupriyanova from gmail.com)
Wed Jun 25 21:33:51 EST 2014
Dear friends and colleagues,
Please let me know if you woudl be interested in receiving pdfs of the
following papers:
*Kupriyanova, E.K*. *2014*. What do egg size distributions in marine
invertebrates tell us about validity of fecundity-time models? *Marine
Ecology *35 (2): 249–253.
*Kupriyanova*. *E.K., *Vinn O., Taylor P*., *J. W. Schopf, A. Kudryavtsev*,
*Bailey-Brock, J.* 2014. *Serpulids living deep: calcareous tubeworms
beyond the abyss. *Deep-Sea Research I *90: 91-104*.*
Kolbasova, G., Tzetlin, A.B. & *Kupriyanova E.K. 2014. *Chaetal loss and
replacement in *Pseudopotamilla reniformis* (Sabellida, Annelida).
Biology **Online early*
Ippolitov, A.P., Vinn, O. *Kupriyanova, E.K. *& Jäger, M. *2014*. Written
in stone: history of serpulid polychaetes through time. *Memoirs of Museum
Wong, E., *Kupriyanova, E.K*., Hutchings, P.A., Capa,M. Radashevsky, V. I.
and H.A. ten Hove. *2014*. A graphically illustrated glossary to polychaete
terminology: invasive species of Sabellidae, Serpulidae and Spionidae. *Memoirs
of Museum Victoria*
*Kupriyanova, E.K*. & Mikhin. D. Yu. *2014*. Do fecundity-time models
really predict extreme optimal egg sizes? *Marine Ecology* *in press*
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