Dear friends and colleagues,
The French Coral Reef Initiative (IFRECOR, the French initiative of
ICRI) has initiated a cross-cutting work stream entitled "Biodiversity"
in order to provide open access to information on coral reef
biodiversity in French overseas territories. Pascale Joannot (National
Museum of Natural History) is in charge of this programme.
In this context, they would like to draw up a list of coral reefs
taxonomic specialists, of course including polychaetologists, and create
a database which will be, at first, published on paper and later online
on the website of IFRECOR (
If you are interested in joining this list, please get in contact with
Apolline Fort (appoline.fort from, and send her your name,
affiliation, e-mail address and specific interests/taxonomical expertise.
Thanks for your help,
Paulo Lana
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