[Annelida] International Polychaete Day is nearly upon us!

Katie Mortimer-Jones via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Katie.Mortimer-Jones from museumwales.ac.uk)
Wed Jul 1 03:51:35 EST 2015

Dear all,

Great news #InternationalPolychaeteDay is now trending on Twitter here in the UK. This is a fantastic tribute to such a brilliant person and polychaetologist.


From: <Osborn>, Karen <OsbornK from si.edu<mailto:OsbornK from si.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 19:33
To: "annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu<mailto:annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>" <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu<mailto:annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>>
Subject: [Annelida] International Polychaete Day is nearly upon us!

Most of these stories will be posted tomorrow so you can’t see the stories just yet.  If you know of ones we’ve missed here, please let me know.
1st International Polychaete Day – July 1, 2015

The first International Polychaete Day (1 July 2015) inaugurated in memory of Kristian Fauchald who passed away 5 April 2015.  What better way to remember and celebrate a great polychaetologist, mentor and friend than by sharing with the world the amazing animals he reveled in for 59 years?!  Below is an update of currently known activities and posts planned for the day. Please let us know if there are others.

Online International Polychaete Day features

To find IPD on twitter #InternationalPolychaeteDay

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History:

•      Ocean Portal blog post (http://ocean.si.edu/)

•      Ocean Portal photo show of Alexander Semenov’s photography (http://ocean.si.edu/)

•      "14 Fun Facts about Bristleworms" on Smithsonian.com<http://Smithsonian.com/>

•      EOL species of the day (Bobbit worm) and a

•      EOL polychaete memory game (http://fieldguides.eol.org/memory/play.php?xmgp=3331372a506f6c7963686165746573212a687474702533412532462532463136302e3131312e3234382e3238253246636f6e74656e742532463230313525324630342532463237253246313225324633393730335f38385f38382e6a70672a31#<http://fieldguides.eol.org/memory/play.php?xmgp=3331372a506f6c7963686165746573212a687474702533412532462532463136302e3131312e3234382e3238253246636f6e74656e742532463230313525324630342532463237253246313225324633393730335f38385f38382e6a70672a31>)

•      Invertebrate Zoology Dept Blog (No Bones) biography of Kristian by Linda Ward (http://nmnh.typepad.com/no_bones/)

•      Biodiversity Heritage Library – blog post on McIntosh’s Monograph of the British Marine Annelids and its stunning illustrations (http://biodiversitylibrary.org/)

•      Video feature on deep-sea polychaetes (https://www.youtube.com/user/MBARIvideo)
National Museum Wales:
•      a storify recap of the day like this one
•      #WormWednesday

WoRMS (obituary by Fred Pleijel and Greg Rouse):

Australian Museum Sydney – Pat Hutchings and Lena Kupriyanova

National Geographic Science News, Photo show of polychaetes http://news.nationalgeographic.com/

University Museum of Bergen

National Museum of Scotland, http://blog.nms.ac.uk/<http://blog.nms.ac.uk/?p=10050>

In person activities:
Washington, DC, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Sant Ocean Hall and Q?RIUS, 10:30-4:30
Expert Is In with numerous experts from around the USA and beyond

Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, St. Lucie County Aquarium and Smithsonian Marine Station:
Polychaete activities with Aquarium science staff

Sydney, Australia, Australian Museum, Atrium, ground floor
Eperts and Eleven - Elena Kupriyanova

Crete, Greece, Cretaquarium Thalassocosmos
Polychaete activities with Aquarium science staff

London, Natural History Museum,
Polychaete activities with museum staff

Poyakonda, Russia, White Sea Biological Station
Polychaete seminars by Professors Alexander Tzetlin and Anna Zhadan

Friday Harbor, Washington, USA Friday Harbor Laboratories and San Juan Islands Museum of Art
Polychaete activities with professors and art display

Karen Osborn
osbornk from si.edu<mailto:osbornk from si.edu><mailto:osbornk from si.edu>
Research Zoologist/Curator
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, MRC-163
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA

Courier address:
Smithsonian Institution, MRC 0163, Natural History, West Loading Dock
10th and Constitution Ave., Washington, DC 20560

Mae pob neges ebost a anfonir i neu gan Amgueddfa Cymru yn cael ei 
sganio gan systemau diogelwch awtomatig er mwyn rheoli negeseuon 
digymell a dileu cynnwys amhriodol neu beryglus. Cafodd y neges hon ei 
sganio am firysau cyn ei hanfon, ond dylech hefyd fodloni'ch hun bod y 
neges, a phob atodiad ynddi, yn rhydd o firysau cyn ei defnyddio gan 
nad yw'r Amgueddfa'n derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw golled neu ddifrod o 
ganlyniad i agor y neges neu unrhyw atodiadau. Gall y neges hon ac 
unrhyw ffeiliau a atodir ynddi gynnwys gwybodaeth gyfrinachol a 
fwriadwyd ar gyfer y derbynnydd yn unig. Os ydych chi wedi derbyn y 
neges trwy gamgymeriad, rhowch wybod i ni a chofiwch ddileu'r neges.
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Nid yw'r Amgueddfa'n atebol am unrhyw wallau, llygredd neu esgeulustod 
a allai godi wrth drosglwyddo'r neges hon, felly na ddibynnwch ar y 
cynnwys heb geisio cadarnhad ysgrifenedig yn gyntaf.

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