[Annelida] Happy International Polychaete Day

Eduardo Zattara via annelida%40net.bio.net (by ezattara from gmail.com)
Wed Jul 1 10:26:16 EST 2015

Hi again, thanks for the nice comments! :)

I figured that it would make more sense to post links to download the
higher resoultion images for both the triptic and the individual images.

Full IPD Polychaete Triptic

IPD Proceraea Syllid <https://iu.box.com/s/ji1e7zndimgniekgdjlwm4u5cos6bbn5>
IPD Streblospio Spionid
IPD Nereid <https://iu.box.com/s/w11qdte46grt37kxajappu8byh56r48u>

All these images come from animals collected either from the Cheasapeake
Bay (Maryland, USA; *Streblospio* spionid) or from night lamping at the Eel
Pond by the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole (Massachussets, USA;
unidentified nereid and *Proceraea *male stolon). They were all stained
using antibodies against serotonin and acetylated-tubulin (nervous system,
nephridia, gut ciliation and body cilia), labeled phalloidin (mostly
muscle) and DAPI (DNA stain).

All of the imaging was done using laser scanning confocal microscopes. The
*Streblospio* specimen and the nereid were imaged using a Leica SP5X at the
CBMG Imaging Core at the University of Maryland, College Park (US);
the *Proceraea
*was imaged using a Zeiss LSM710 at the MBL (except for the very tips of
the palps which were imaged at College Park). Due to the size of the
specimens, imaging was done by tiling several Z-stacks. Each stack was
flattened using maximum intensity projection, and then stitched toghether
manually as a composite image.

The original color composite was blue for DNA, red for muscles, yellow for
serotonergic components of the CNS and green for tubulin-reactive
components. The pictures were then color inverted (as in a negative) for
aesthetic purposes. The original color scheme can be easily recovered by
reinverting the image (Ctrl+I in Photoshop).

These images do not have a paper directly associated with them, but I have
recently published an article on naidid nervous systems which uses the same
staining techniques, and has a cover featuring a couple more polychaete
images if you download the PDF version. You can find it at



"Only in silence the word,
only in dark the light,
only in dying life :
bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky"

Dr. Eduardo E. Zattara

Research Collaborator                     |  Research Fellow
Department of Invertebrate Zoology   |  Department of Biology
National Museum of Natural History  |  Indiana Molecular Biology Institute
Smithsonian Institution                    |  Indiana University,

email: ezattara from gmail.com <ezattara from umd.edu>
phone: +1 (812) 369 9301
mail address: Indiana University, 915 E. Third Street, Myers Hall 150,
Bloomington, IN 47405-7107

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:44 AM, Sergio Salazar <savs551216 from hotmail.com>

> Dear Eduardo,
> Please share with me your image and tell me more about which technique was
> used to get the images.
> Best wishes,
> Sergio
> Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 08:09:28 -0400
> From: ezattara from gmail.com
> To: Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
> CC:
> Subject: [Annelida] Happy International Polychaete Day
> Good day, annelidians!
> Just wanted to greet and congratulate everyone for working in such a
> wonderful group of creatures. Attached (if the mailman filters let it go
> through) is a triptic image of a spionid, a syllid and a nereid I'd like to
> share with you to celebrate this day and Kristian's memory. The image is
> low res, but email me if you want a higher res copy.
> Cheers, and have a wonderful #InternationalPolychaeteDay
>       -Ed-
> "Only in silence the word,
> only in dark the light,
> only in dying life :
> bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky"
> --------------
> Dr. Eduardo E. Zattara
> Research Collaborator                     |  Research Fellow
> Department of Invertebrate Zoology   |  Department of Biology
> National Museum of Natural History  |  Indiana Molecular Biology Institute
> Smithsonian Institution                    |  Indiana University,
> Bloomington
> email: ezattara from gmail.com <ezattara from umd.edu>
> phone: +1 (812) 369 9301
> mail address: Indiana University, 915 E. Third Street, Myers Hall 150,
> Bloomington, IN 47405-7107
> http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eduardo_Zattara
> http://invertebrates.si.edu/zattara.htm
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